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$.75 peak
$.35 off-peak
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20 Free rides/mo

Metro Call for Projects

Metro Call for Projects

Metro’s Call for Projects program was a competitive process that distributed discretionary capital transportation funds to regionally significant projects.


Metro is responsible for allocating discretionary federal, state and local transportation funds to improve all modes of surface transportation. Metro also prepares the Los Angeles County Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). A key component of TIP is the Call for Projects program, a competitive process that distributes discretionary capital transportation funds to regionally significant projects.

In the past, Metro accepted Call for Projects applications in eight modal categories. Local jurisdictions, transit operators, and other public agencies are encouraged to submit applications proposing projects for funding.

Metro staff ranks eligible projects and presents preliminary scores to Metro’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Metro Board of Directors for review. Upon approval, the TIP is developed and formally transmitted to the regional and state transportation planning agencies. The TIP then becomes part of the five-year program of projects scheduled for implementation in Los Angeles County.

Project sponsors are required to either execute a Letter of Agreement (LOA) for projects being funded with State or Federal funds, a Transit LOA, or a Funding Agreement (FA) for those funded with local sales tax dollars.

The LOA or FA must be executed in the first year that funds are available and prior to starting any work on the project. They include a general description of the project and the specific work elements to be completed, the source of all funds that will be used to complete the project and the project’s cash flow.

Past Call for Projects

Contact Us

Name: Fanny Pan
Email: panf@metro.net
Tel: 213.418.3233

Depending on the modal category, please contact the appropriate lead for your project:


Regional Surface Transportation Improvements

Name: Fulgene Asuncion

Tel: 213.922.3025

Email: asuncionf@metro.net


Goods Movement

Name: Michael Richmai

Tel: 213.922.2558

Email: richmaim@metro.net


Signal Synchronization and Bus Speed Improvement

Name: Eva Pan-Moon

Tel: 213.418.3285

Email: pane@metro.net


Transportation Demand Management

Name: Neha Chawla

Tel: 213.922.3984

Email: chawlan@metro.net


Bikeway Improvements

Name: Michael Richmai

Tel: 213.922.2558

Email: richmaim@metro.net


Pedestrian Improvements

Name: Jacqueline Su

Tel: 213.922.2847

Email: suj@metro.net


Transit Capital

Name: Scott Hartwell

Tel: 213.922.2836

Email: hartwells@metro.net


Transportation Enhancement Activities

Name: Neha Chawla

Tel: 213.922.3984

Email: chawlan@metro.net

Metro LEP information graphic including phone numbers (323-466-3876, ext 2) in various languages.

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