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$.75 peak
$.35 off-peak
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20 Free rides/mo



The Ethics Department helps Metro carry out its mission in compliance with ethics-related laws, consistent with the highest standards of ethical conduct, and ensures that Metro’s decisions are made in the public’s best interests.

In serving the Metro Board of Directors, Metro employees and residents of LA County, the duties and roles of the Ethics Department include:

· Providing information and advice to the Board of Directors and assisting them in complying with special ethics-related laws and requirements;

· Serving as the Filing Officer for the Statement of Economic Interest disclosures by Metro Board Members and employees, and updating the Metro Conflict of Interest Code biennially as required by law;

· Serving as Metro’s Filing Officer for lobbyist registration and reporting, and managing the lobbyist administration system;

· Providing ethics-related materials, education and advice to Metro employees, contractors, and consultants to promote a high standard of ethics within Metro, and assist them in complying with applicable laws;

· Advising on Organizational Conflicts of Interest in Metro’s vast procurement program; and

· Serving as Hearing Officers for reconsideration appeals from contractors that have been determined to have failed to make good faith efforts to achieve the disadvantaged business enterprises goal and other compliance hearings.

Ethics Advice

The department provides advice to the Metro Board of Directors, employees, contractors and consultants consistent with Metro code and state law. Ethics provides advice in areas such as the following:

  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Acceptance of Gifts
  • Use of Metro Assets
  • Outside Employment
  • Political and Charitable Activities
  • Communications with Contractors
  • Post-Employment Restrictions

Code of Conduct

A Code of Conduct is a set of rules outlining the responsibilities of or proper practices for an individual or entity. Metro has Codes of Conduct for its Board of Directors, contractors, and employees. The codes of conduct were adopted by the Board as part of our Administrative Code, a Metro ordinance. The Board Code of Conduct is also enacted as a state statute.

The Ethics Department is charged with interpretation and maintenance of the codes of conduct. Violations of a code of conduct can lead to sanctions and in some cases termination of employment or contracts.

If you have any questions about whether your conduct is permissible under a code of conduct, you are urged to contact the Ethics Department before you act.

If you are aware of any possible violations of the codes of conduct, these should be reported to the Ethics Department.

Resources & Agency Disclosures

Lobbying at Metro

As required by state law, Metro maintains a lobbyist registration program, with an online filing system available here. All lobbyists, lobbying firms and lobbyist employers must register prior to any lobbying contact with Metro.

Form 700

The California Political Reform Act and Metro’s Conflict of Interest Code mandate those who make or influence governmental decisions to file Statements of Economic Interest, Form 700. The disclosure provides transparency to the public and ensures accountability by the public official, with the disclosure of any potential conflicts that may arise out of personal financial interests such as investments, income and property ownership. 


The department is committed to supporting a procurement process which fosters fair and open competition, is conducted under the highest ethical standards, and maintains the public’s trust. To achieve these purposes, the department provides advice and guidance to Metro staff and contractors related to communications protocols (blackout periods), organizational conflicts of interest identification and mitigation, and any other ethics-related topics that arise during procurement.

For information on procurements that may be within the communications blackout period, please visit.

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