Federal Transportation Improvement Plan (FTIP)
The FTIP includes regionally significant and/or federally funded transit, highway, local roadway, bridge, freight, bicycle, and pedestrian capital and non-capital projects.
The Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) is a federally mandated listing of transportation projects that will be funded with federal, state or local funds over the next four years. The TIP includes regionally significant and/or federally funded transit, highway, local roadway, bridge, freight, bicycle, and pedestrian capital and non-capital projects. All transportation projects must be listed in an approved TIP in order to access federal or state funding.
In Los Angeles County, local agencies program new and revised transportation projects using the Program Metro platform. Once submitted, projects are reviewed for compliance with federal and state laws and for fiscal constraint first by Metro, then SCAG, before being submitted to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT).
The FTIP is adopted once every odd year (2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 etc.). Effective December 2018, the 2019 FTIP will replace the 2017 FTIP.
Amending the TIP
On an alternating monthly basis, agencies are given the opportunity to introduce or update projects on ProgramMetro. Projects may be created or amended through either a Formal Amendment or and Administrative Modification. Please note that for project amendments to be approved by SCAG, the changes must meet the following criteria:
– May not affect the regional emissions analysis
– May not affect the timely implementation of the Transportation Control Measures
– May not adversely impact financial constraint
– Stay consistent with the adopted Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)
Administrative Modification
This procedure is for minor changes to project cost, schedule, scope, or funding sources. Administrative Modifications are usually approved 30 days SCAG has the delegated authority to approve administrative modifications, so this process is much quicker than the amendment
Formal Amendment
This procedure is for changes of larger significance. Because of the many layers of review, Formal Amendments can take up to 3 months for approval. Changes that qualify for a Formal Amendment include:
1. cost changes that are greater than 40 percent of the total project cost or $10 million, whichever is higher
2. adding or deleting projects that are exempt from regional emission analyses
3. adding a project or a project phase to the program
4. significant changes to the design concept, scope or schedule of an existing project
For a complete definition of eligible changes, please see Section VII. Amendments and Administrative Modifications.
Program Metro
Program Metro is Los Angeles County’s online TIP database. It eliminates the need for manual project submissions and ensures that both Metro and lead agencies have access to the most up-to-date entries. Agencies must view, edit, and submit their transportation projects into the TIP through Program Metro. Metro will not carry out the submission process on the agencies behalf. To access this database, log into Program Metro.
TIP Workshops
The Metro TIP team regularly offers informational workshops for agency staff to explain the TIP process, its significance, and how it fits in the agency’s overall project delivery plan. These hands-on workshops also allow agency staff an opportunity to learn the different features of Program Metro.
Contact Us
Name: Michael Richmai
Email: richmaim@metro.net
Name: Nick Zhao
Email: zhaoji@metro.net