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Visionary Seed Fund
Do you have an idea to grow transit ridership in LA County? Apply for LA Metro’s Visionary Seed Fund for up to $3 million to test your approach.

Notice of Funding Opportunity
Metro released the first Visionary Seed Fund Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) after the Innovation Forum on March 8, 2023. Metro seeks to fund innovative mobility pilot projects that test and assess strategies that return ridership to pre-COVID levels and beyond. Metro will fund up to six (6) pilot projects that demonstrate through measurable outcomes whether and how they contribute to increasing public transportation ridership in Los Angeles County. Metro, municipal operators, and local operators are eligible to apply for funds, but applicants may team with private, public, and non-profit partners to deliver the proposed pilot project. Each applicant should include at least one research partner in their proposal.
Key Dates and Information
Metro hosted a VSF Innovation Forum at the Los Angeles Union Station Ticket Concourse located at 800 N. Alameda St., Los Angeles, CA 90012 on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. The Innovation Forum convened public, private, and non-profit stakeholders from across the transportation industry and served as an opportunity to help match potential partners with public transit operators. The event was livestreamed. The recording is available here.
Applicants must submit electronically to vsf@metro.net by 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time on May 19, 2023. The last day to submit questions was April 21, 2023. Metro has posted the received questions and answers below in the Q&A section.
What is the Visionary Seed Fund?
Measure M allocates $20 million over 40 years for the Visionary Seed Fund (VSF), a competitive grant process to support projects that “help spark and develop innovative mobility concepts in Los Angeles County.” VSF will direct up to $3 million to fund Metro, Municipal Operator, and Local Operator pilot projects for the 2023 grant cycle. Metro will fund pilot projects that test and assess ridership strategies that demonstrate through measurable outcomes how to grow ridership to pre-COVID levels and beyond.
Ideas include improving first/last mile connections, addressing women’s transportation needs, easing payment and navigation, and other creative proposals that will assist the region in restoring and growing ridership. Metro has committed to returning our ridership to pre-COVID levels by June 2023 and supporting our municipal operators as they endeavor to bring people back to transit. The more people who can access and ride transit, the better it is for economic mobility, quality of life, air quality and public health.
Who is eligible to apply?
Metro, municipal operators and local operators are all eligible to apply for VSF funding opportunities. Eligible applicants should identify one or more research partner(s) to evaluate how proposed projects demonstrate through measurable outcomes how each addresses the challenges put forth in the notice of funding opportunity. Eligible applicants may also bring project partners that include, but are not limited to:
- Private for-profit and not-for-profit organizations
- Operators of transportation services
- State or local government entities
- Academic institutions
What types of projects are eligible?
Project eligibility will be broad, beyond the requirement that projects be visionary and innovative; however, funded projects will demonstrate through measurable outcomes whether and how they contribute to expanding transit ridership. The forthcoming notice of funding opportunity will include specific ridership challenges that proposals should try to address. Each project team must include at least one transit operator and one research institution.
Visionary Seed Fund Q&A
Metro will regularly update this page with answers and clarifications to questions submitted to vsf@metro.net. (Last Updated May 1, 2023; asterisk indicates new/updated questions.)
Is there an attendee list so we can connect or partner with them for the proposed pilot projects?
Metro is unable to release the personal identifying information of individual attendees from the VSF Innovation Forum. You can find a list of attending organizations HERE.
Is there a recording of the event?
Yes. It can be found HERE.
Are private companies and private transit operators eligible as applicants?*
No. Only Los Angeles County-based public transit operators are eligible to apply to VSF. However, eligible applicants may team in any arrangement with private companies, public entities, nonprofits/advocacy groups and research/academic organizations in their grant application.
Are applicants allowed to submit multiple proposals?
Yes. Eligible applicants may submit multiple proposals. Each proposal must be submitted under separate cover and include all required documents for a complete submission.
Can Metro employees who do not administer VSF discuss potential projects and give guidance to potential applicants and research partners?
Metro is an eligible applicant and therefore Metro staff may meet with other potential applicants and research partners to discuss ideas and proposals. However, neither Metro staff nor external parties who serve on the VSF evaluation committee may participate in a VSF application.
Does a bike master plan with bike lane demonstration qualify for VSF award dollars?*
The Visionary Seed Fund is a competitive grant program that will help fund projects that aim to demonstrate novel and innovative approaches to attract riders to the public transportation system in Los Angeles County. Applicants should demonstrate how their project would increase ridership and is a way to experiment with new or creative ways to engage riders.
What qualifies as “transit” under VSF?*
“Transit” includes mobility services operated by Los Angeles County-based public transit operators, including but not limited to: bus, rail, bikeshare, rideshare, and other publicly managed mobility services. For the purposes of this grant opportunity, Metro remains mode-agnostic, so long as the application demonstrates how the projects increases public transit ridership.
Is my organization eligible as a research partner?
Eligible research partners include private for-profit entities, not-for-profit organizations, other operators of transportation services, state or local government entities and academic institutions.
Are research partners allowed to partner on multiple proposals?
Yes. Research partners may partner on multiple proposals.
What are the commitments that the research partner needs to have throughout the project?*
The research partner is responsible for preparing the post-implementation research report that evaluates the effectiveness of the project. It is up to the applicant to determine what role(s) or responsibilities, if any, the research partner will have during the planning and implementation phases of the project. The research partner is not required to have or limited by any role(s) or responsibilities during the planning and implementation stages of the project.
Are foreign organizations eligible to apply?*
Only Los Angeles County-based public transit operators are eligible to apply to VSF. However, eligible applicants may team in any arrangement with private companies, public entities, nonprofits/advocacy groups and research/academic organizations in their grant application. Foreign organizations are eligible to team with an applicant but must comply with all Metro Board and Grant Award policies as well as any applicable local, state, and federal requirements. It is the responsibility on both applicants and project partners to ensure compliance.
Please let us know how our team can partner with Metro on this grant opportunity.*
Project partners interested in collaborating with LA County public transit operators, including Metro, are solely responsible for preparing and executing their own partnering strategy. The Visionary Seed Fund program manager cannot facilitate an introduction during an active Notice of Funding Opportunity.
Are all proposed project expenses eligible?*
Most project-related costs are refundable as long as they 1) directly link back to the development of the proposed project, 2) are outlined in the budget approved as part of the Grant Agreement. VSF funds cannot be used to reimburse any pre-award costs, application preparation costs of the VSF grant, or cost overruns.
Can research partners provide a portion of the required local match funding?
Yes. The local match funding can come from a variety of sources, including project partners.
Can an agency’s annual allocation of Local Return Funds, including Measures R and M, be used as match for VSF?*
Yes. Local match dollars can come from a variety of sources, including Local Return.
Is there a maximum project cost for proposals?*
No. However, Metro anticipates granting up to six awards with the available funds.
When will award announcements be made?
Metro plans to announce grant awards in Summer 2023.
When does the 30-month project period start? Could a potential applicant expect to begin programming funds before the end of 2023?
The 30-month timeline for project development, implementation and evaluation begins upon the date of execution of the grant agreement between Metro and the selected applicant. At this time, Metro expects grant agreements to be executed before the end of calendar year 2023.
What will be the process for reviewing proposals?
The evaluation committee will score proposals based on the criteria outlined in the Notice of Funding Opportunity. The evaluators will then make a funding recommendation to Metro’s CEO and the Board for approval.
Who will evaluate VSF proposals?*
Proposals will be reviewed and scored by an evaluation committee comprised of Metro and non-Metro staff. Individuals who are part of a VSF grant submission are not eligible to participate in the evaluation committee.
Do applications need to be in a specific format?*
Applications should be submitted as a pdf file. Applications must not adhere to a specific style. Applications must include the application form and required exhibits to be deemed responsive. Please keep application sections up to the recommended page/paragraph length.
Do applications need to be one file?*
No, applications may be submitted as multiple files in pdf format. Please include all necessary files on a single email.
When will the next cycle take place?*
The next VSF grant cycle will likely take place in 2026.
Is the list of applicants from past VSF cycles?*
No. 2023 is the inaugural cycle for VSF.
Where can I learn more about the Visionary Seed Fund?
For more information or to receive notifications, please send an email to vsf@metro.net or check back here at this web page for updates as they become available.