Montebello /Commerce Station Relocation Feasibility Study
The Montebello/Commerce Metrolink Station is located on the Riverside Line that operates between Riverside and Los Angeles. The Station is located approximately 1.5 miles from the Citadel Outlets, a major economic driver. The goal of this study is to examine the feasibility of relocating the existing Commerce/Montebello Metrolink Station to provide a more direct connection with Citadel Outlets, which may likely promote transit usage and may reduce vehicle congestion in the surrounding area.
In March 2016, the Metro Board of Directors unanimously approved a motion to examine the feasibility of relocating three existing Metrolink stations and creating a new Metrolink station at the base of Rio Hondo College. The three existing stations under study are the Northridge, El Monte and Montebello/Commerce stations.
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Name: Lilian De Loza-Gutierrez