Metro is studying the areas around Purple (D Line) Extension – Section 1 for opportunities to improve walking and biking connections to the future rail stations. This effort will result in a first last mile plan for this area.
Metro’s plan for D Line (Purple) – Section 1 will cover the following stations:
- Wilshire/La Brea
- Wilshire/Fairfax
- Wilshire/La Cienega
Proposed recommendations may include street improvements such as new sidewalks, enhanced crosswalks, bike facilities, and expanded pedestrian lighting and tree canopy.
Virtual presentations of the draft plan will take place
- August 12th (6 pm)
- August 24th (2 pm)
To register, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/MetroD1-flm. The draft plan is also available here.
The plan is currently scheduled to be presented to the Metro Board of Directors in September 2021.
- Wednesday 9/15, 10:30 am – Planning and Programming Committee
- Thursday 9/23, 10:00 am – Regular Board Meeting
Public comment can be given live by telephone, or written by 5pm the day before the meeting. For instructions, please visit: https://boardagendas.metro.net/ and select the meeting you are interested in to obtain the agenda.
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Contact Us
Jacob Lieb
Senior Director
Project email: