Metro EV Charge Stations
As a leader in sustainability and green technology, Metro is the first transit agency in the nation to introduce and operate EV charge stations at its Park & Ride lots. We welcome EV Gateway as Metro’s new network charging partner!
Register for a new EV Gateway account and charge your electric vehicle! Download the new EV Gateway app, available for iPhone and Android , or purchase an RFID fob for worry-free charging by signing up or logging into your account.
By participating in this new program, you’ll enjoy several benefits:
- Low Price : You can charge all day for just $3.
- Convenience : Your vehicle will be fully charged when you return from your travels.
- Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions : By combining an EV trip with public transit, you’ll further help to reduce our region’s overall greenhouse gas emissions.
- Expansion to More Stations: Metro will expand its EV charging program as regional demand increases.
Metro EV charge stations are located at certain Metro Rail station parking lots. View all locations here.
How were the stations selected?
The stations were selected because of their proximity to major transportation hubs and busy traffic arteries. Metro also selected the stations to encourage the use of its transit system (and Park & Ride lots) in different regions for travel to/from downtown LA.
How do I access my account?
To access your account, go to web portal and log in using the e-mail address and password you provided during sign up. You can also access your account by logging into the mobile app, using the same login credentials.
To purchase credits, you can pay with the credit card saved to your account. Alternatively, you can pay for credits via PayPal. We do not offer auto-pay for credits
What type of charge station is being provided?
Metro has installed 20 208/240v 30amp Level 2 charge stations. They are capable of providing up to 7.2kw of power to your EV, however, the speed with which your EV’s battery re-charges will depend on the capability of your on-board charger.
What will it cost to charge my car?
Charging costs $1 per hour with a three-hour cap. The driver will be charged an additional $0.25 per transaction. There is no monthly or start-up fee, and charging costs are rounded off to the nearest whole minute, not the hour.
How do I top-up my account with more credits?
To purchase additional credits, log in to your account. Click the “Add balance” button located under “Payment.” Then recharge your account starting from $20. You can also add funds to your account by logging into the mobile app, using the same login credentials.
How can I check my balance and usage?
You can check your credit balance and usage after each charge by logging onto your account at . You can also check your usage on the mobile app.
Does one plug fit all cars?
The charge stations incorporate the SAE J1772 (North American Automotive Industry Standard) plug. All newer model electric cars, including the Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt, Ford Focus Electric, Toyota Prius Plug-in, and Mitsubishi iMiEV, will be able to plug into a Level 2 charge station. A small number of specialized EVs (e.g., Tesla models) may require a plug adapter. Check with your vehicle manufacturer for details.
How do I activate the charge station?
You initiate a charging session by scanning the station’s QR code with the mobile app or entering the station ID. You can also scan your RFID on the RFID reader on the front of the unit. This will initiate the charge session. Then simply plug the power cable into your vehicle. The first time you initiate a charge session, there may be up to a 30 second delay. After the initial charge, the station should recognize and authorize your account immediately.
Will I be notified when my charging session is complete or interrupted?
Yes, you can elect to receive an email, SMS or mobile app alert, notifying you that your session is complete or has been interrupted.
Will I need to move my car if I am done charging?
As a courtesy to other drivers trying to use the charge stations, we ask that you move your car as soon as possible once your charging session is complete.
Who do I contact if I need assistance at the EV charge station?
For assistance with your vehicle charging needs or after hours help, please contact 213.922.GO.EV(4638) 24/7 call center. You can also e-mail us at Please be ready to provide your account name and your RFID ID number (if applicable).
How do I know what my RFID number is?
Your RFID number is printed on your RFID card.
Once my account is created do I need to keep my RFID number?
We recommend that you keep your RFID number for your records.
Can I have multiple RFIDs associated with my account?
Yes, the network allows multiple RFIDs to be associated with an account. Charging credits are attached to user accounts and are shared among RFIDs assigned to that account.
Can I use my RFID with other charge station networks?
The RFID is compatible with Metro’s EV charge stations, and all public EvGateway network chargers. Metro’s network provider, EvGateway, will continue to participate in trade group efforts to explore interoperability.
Can I use the mobile app with other charge stations?
Yes, the EvGateway mobile app can be used to activate a charge session with any station in the EvGateway network.
Can I use my RFID for multiple EVs?
Yes, the RFID is linked to your account and you can use it for multiple vehicles.