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Metro FY24 Proposed Budget Briefing Regional Service Councils
April 25, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Watch Online: Link to stream will appear here under Upcoming Events when the meeting begins
Participate via Zoom Online/En Línea: https://zoom.us/join
Listen By Phone/Escuchar Por Teléfono: 213 338 8477 or 877 853 5257 (Toll Free/Gratuito)
Webinar ID: 812 3827 8002 Passcode/Contraseña: 411498
Interpretation in Spanish will be provided. Se proporcionará interpretación en español.
Submit comments before the meeting via email servicecouncils@metro.net or by postal mail: Regional Service Councils, One Gateway Plaza, MS: 99-7-1, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Indicate the meeting name, date, and agenda item number when submitting. Email and postal mail comments must be received by 5 pm the day prior to the meeting to ensure they will be read at the meeting. Comments received via mail or email will be read for up to two minutes per person, per item.
In the event of audio or visual outages during the meeting, text or call 213.598.9715 so staff can work to resolve the issue.
Submit comments before and during the meeting via the link with the agenda item.