Home > Ride Metro > Metro Small Employer Pass (SEP) Program
Metro Small Employer Pass (SEP) Program
Metro’s Small Employer Pass Program is a reduced cost annual fare program option for small to medium-sized businesses within LA County.
Your 2024 SEP Continued Participation enrollment is only a few steps away
Submit to Metro Commute Services (MCS)
- Step 1: Complete Employee Lists.
- Step 2: Submit your completed Employee Lists, official payroll report and copies of check stubs (if applicable) to MCS for check-in.
- Step 3: Ensure all Add participants have access to complete the Eligible Employee Acknowledgement web form.
- IMPORTANT: Upon check-in, you will immediately receive an email from MCS that includes the Eligible Employee Acknowledgement web form link and ACK Number. All New add participants must complete the Eligible Employee Acknowledgement web form. Also, at this time, your Metro Representative will begin reviewing your Employee Lists and Official Payroll report. Once approved and finalized you will then receive your SEP Continued Participation Agreement for signature.
Submit to Your Metro Representative
- Step 1: Review, sign and submit your SEP Continued Participation Agreement.
- Step 2: Prepare and submit “Add” photos for new add participants.
- Step 3: Submit completed forms, photos, and payment to your Metro Representative.
- Please note that to guarantee that your passes will be activated on July 1, 2023, you MUST submit all the necessary forms and payment by 5pm on Friday, May 26, 2023.
- If you have any questions, contact your Metro Representative or MCS at 213.922.7983.
- Please see “Instructions” tab above for all forms regarding the 2023 SEP Continued Participation.
Employee Lists:
- The Employee Lists must be typed, not handwritten.
- Employee names on the Current Participant list must match names on annual TAP cards.
- Complete all 4 (if applicable) Employee Lists for:
- Continued Participants – Lists employees who already have a TAP card and will continue to participate in the SEP program. $5 card fee(s) is not applicable, and photo(s) are not required.
- Adds – Lists new employees that will need a new TAP card. A $5 card fee is applicable. A photo must be submitted and an ACK form must be completed for each new employee receiving a pass.
- Eligible No Pass (ENP) – Utilized to assist employers meet the SEP minimum pass requirement. Employer MUST pay for each ENP employee listed. The $5 card fee is not applicable.
- Non-Participants – Lists employees that will not participate in the SEP program.
New Employee Add Photos:
Submit a JPG format photo for each new employee receiving a pass for the first time.
- Photo guidelines:
- Submit a passport style photo.
- Headshots only from the shoulders up.
- JPG file must correspond with employee’s first and last name.
- Email photo(s) along with completed Employee Lists to mcs@metro.net .
Photo Example:

Official Payroll Report:
- The most recent official payroll report is required.
- Please redact all personal information such as Social Security Numbers and wage information. Payroll reports which contain personal information such as Social Security Numbers and wage information will not be accepted.
SEP Continued Participation Agreement:
Your Agreement will be provided to you by your Metro Representative once your Employee lists and all other required documents have been submitted and approved by LACMTA.
- Payment amount will be calculated by your Metro Representative.
- Credit Card Payment – Online payment instructions and payment link will be emailed to the email address on file from a Customer Service agent with an email address ending in metro.net. Your order will not be processed until payment is received in full by LACMTA.
- Check Payment – Make check payable to: Employer Annual Pass Program or LACMTA. Please mail check with forms to the address below.
Submitting your Final SEP Continued Participation Packet:
SEP packet will not be considered complete until signed Agreement is submitted. You have the option of submitting your fully completed packet by:
Email Your Metro Representative Directly (Only scanned and signed documents will be accepted)
Fax: 213-922-7586
Mail: Employer Annual Pass Program Attention: MCS One Gateway Plaza, 99-12-4 Los Angeles, CA 90012
Your final packet MUST include:
- Signed Agreement (once received)
- Employee Lists
- Official payroll report
- Completed the Eligible Employee Acknowledgement Form(s) – Adds Only. (Metro Representative will view online report)
- Photos (if applicable)
- Copy of check-stubs (if applicable)
- Copy of signees driver’s license
- Payment
Please only submit once.
Additional Information
Contact Us
Contact the Contract Management team at mcs@metro.net regarding:
- Contact information for your Metro Representative
- Payment Information
Contact your Metro Representative regarding:
- Questions regarding your SEP Continued Participation forms
- Amounts due for your SEP Continued Participation
Contact Customer Service at ab@taptogo.net regarding:
- New employee pass order status
- Issues with existing annual TAP cards