Regular Ride
Senior 62+ / Medicare / Customer with Disability
$.75 peak
$.35 off-peak
K-12 and Community College Students
Free with GoPass
Low Income (LIFE)
20 Free rides/mo

Sustainability Council

Sustainability Council

The mission of the Metro’s Sustainability Council is to improve sustainability efforts by developing targets, metrics and strategies to assist Metro in achieving stated sustainability program goals.


The objectives of the Sustainability Council are as follows:

  • To advise in the development of Metro’s sustainability goals, established targets and performance measures, and assist in the tracking and reporting on a quarterly as outlined in Motion 57’s four major categories: 1) Climate Change & Resiliency, 2) Energy, 3) Solid Waste & Recycling, and 4) Water;
  • Improve  understanding of our constituents and stakeholders of the sustainability-related efforts and opportunities at LA Metro; and
  • To provide input on the following priorities for FY19: 1) Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, 2) Green Procurement Policy and 3) Resiliency Framework.
  • Sustainability Council Public Meeting Information


Amanda Begley Local Govt Public entities (COGs, cities, special jurisdictions) Organization
City of LA
Primary VACANT
Alternate VACANT
County of LA
Primary VACANT
Alternate VACANT
Other (Small Cities, etc.)
Primary Thomas Small Culver City
Alternate Wendy Nystrom Small Cities
Environment NGOs
Water Resources
Primary VACANT
Alternate VACANT
Water Quality
Primary Bruce ReznickLA Water Group
Alternate Maggie GardnerLA Water Group
Primary Sanjiv Gupta Irepa International, LLC
Alternate VACANT
Habitat/Natural Resources
Primary Amanda Begley TreePeople
Alternate Charles MillerWestwood Greenway
Primary Michael Schneider Streets for All
Alternate VACANT
Materials and Resources
Primary Bryn Lindblad Climate Resolve
Alternate Peter Meng Civil Earth
Air Quality
Primary Joel Levin Plug-In America
Alternate VACANT
NGO Equity
Social, Environment Justice (Equity)
Primary Mary McCormick MBI Media
Alternate Eli Lipmen Move LA
Professional Associations (Architects & Engineers)
Primary Ghina Yamout Michael Baker International
Alternate Joe Ablay ICI Engineering
Primary Kimberly Colbert Colbert Environmental Group
Alternate Patricia Menjivar Deloitte
Landscaping & Infrastructure Design
Alternate VACANT
Local Labor Unions
Primary VACANT
Alternate VACANT
Public Health
Primary Luis Rodriguez California Community Foundation
Alternate VACANT
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
Primary Judi Schweitzer Schweitzer + Associates, Inc.
Alternate VACANT
Transportation Business Advisory Council (TBAC)
Alternate James Okazaki TBAC – AA/AEA
Associated General Contractors (AGC)
Primary Emily Freund Brown and Caldwell
Alternate Mark Kempton California Infrastructure Delivery Coalition
Green Building & Services Industry
Primary Kat Janowicz 3COTECH
Alternate Ben Stapleton UCGBC-LA
Alternate Pavitra Rammohan 3COTECH
Alternate VACANT
Real Estate Development
Primary Cecila Jackson Stoneridge Development
Alternate VACANT
Academic Institution
Primary Hilda Blanco USC
Alternate Mehran Mazari CalState LA
Foreign Organization
Primary Thomas Riebs AXEL
Alternate VACANT
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Women & Girls Governing Council

WGGC was established in September 2017 to examine Metro policies, programs and services, as well as make recommendations to the CEO. With consideration of the unique obstacles faced by women and girls, the council looks to find opportunities to remove barriers to success and expand opportunities at, within and on Metro.

Advisory Meetings

Advisory Committees and Service Council Meetings Metro Service Councils and Advisory Committees meetings are linked below. Advisory Meetings Calendar Board of Directors Meetings and Committees Advisory Meetings Calendar [tribe_events view=”list”

Metro Youth Council

Metro Youth Council’s goal is to develop the capacity of young people to engage and participate in Metro’s plans, projects, programs and initiatives. The Youth Council is built upon the following objectives:

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